They are quite the duo. This video was taken last week. Now, rather than barking with him, she tries to discipline him as I do by saying "baah" in a growly vioce when he barks - a useless endeavor yet often used trick from an unsuccesful round with b@rk bu$ter$.
Anna wasn't at first, nor ever has been afraid of him. He on the other hand, it sometimes afraid of her grabby little hands. He also is getting more attention than he ever has, but is terribly jealous of her. She gets more.
Anna is an amazing girl and amazes me more every day.
language - she seems to be picking up some level of understanding English. She says "upa" when she wants to be picked up or taken out of her high-chair. She babbles mamama but hasn't used mama appropriately to mean me, yet.
When asked "Anna, what does the tiger say" (unless distracted by the poodle) she'll ball up her fists and growl - very cute!
She is a very observant and busy girl.
She loves music and will dance anytime she hears a tune. I'm looking for a toddler music class to get involved in because I think I boring her with the same old things every day.
eating - she's a great eater. most days cheerios and yogurt and sometimes a half banana for breakfast. Usually a slice of whole wheat bread, slice of turkey and slice of cheese with applesauce or banana. Dinner is more difficult for me as is getting in veggies. She has spit out any green veggies so far except coarsely chopped green beans on Christmas eve. I'm trying that again tonight. She loves sweet potatoes and carrots and will have one of those for lunch and/or dinner. Meat is on and off - somedays she loves it some days not.
All in all she's eating well. We went for her 15 month well-baby visit on 12/20 and she had gained a pound since our return home ( were in the ped's office 11/22 for a quick check). She's now a whopping 19# - not on the American growth charts for her age yet, but we'll get there.
She's also grown a half inch since coming home and is in the 25% in height. Go Anna!
She loves Cara, my niece who is living with us and she will squeal with delight every morning when she sees her and every evening as Cara comes home from work. It is a mutual love thing with those two :) She waves "bye-bye" and blows Cara kisses as she leaves for work in the morning.
Sleeping has been a challenge, but I think we'll figure it out someday. my main goal is that she feels secure. She has, in the last week slept two nights - all night - in her crib without needing me to come in and help her back to sleep. That's amazing. Last night she was back to not being able to go back to sleep so I packed her off to my bed so I could sleep at least and she drifts off eventually, too.
She loves textures and likes to rub everything across her lips to feel it. Her blanky at night is a must for soothing. Last week she was rubbing her lips softly across Cara's eyelashes and yesterday a visiting pooch 's tail was wagging and hitting her lips, she stood for quite a while taking in that sensation. It was hysterical!
That's the 411 for now,
I'll leave you with a photo from our 0ne-month anniversary of our family day.
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.
On Christmas Eve Santa's Elves brought us all new Christmas pajamas to greet Christmas morning.
Anna & her cuz-aunt, Cara. She was fine until she became worried that Leo was going after her toy (which he probably was) then the wiggles were out of control.
This video was taken Sunday - donna went on the group trip to the zoo. Anna and I stayed behind for a little down time. It has been non-stop with some appointment or trip every day so a break was much needed.
Monday was the big day where we went to the US consulate for the swearing-in ceremony. Now, in both China and America's eyes, she is mine. It was so ordinary seeming, yet so monumental.
Anna woke with a fever and was fussy and not feeling well all day. The bus ride was torture for us both she totally melted down and was inconsolable. Many of the babies in this group are only happy when being walked. This was one of those times, but unfortunately, no walking allowed while on the bus.
The night was no better, and a visit to the clinic today revealed a sore throat and an ear infection. Medicine has now been started and hopefully Annabean will be feeling well soon.
Thanks for all the comments and e-mails. I'm really appreciating them although I'm not able to respond too often. We're really looking forward to coming home. In the meantime, thoughts from home are so appreciated.
Shamian Island is a beautiful, tranquil place. We've spent a lot of time wandering it's streets. Walking and the ergo (love it!!!) are the sure-fire way to get this little energetic girl to sleep.
And when I say I love the ergo that was so generously gifted to me, I mean I LOVE it. It's been so easy to carry her - which is her preferred mode of travel, and often as I'm involved in conversation I will glance down and these beautiful dark brown eyes are staring at me.
So far a bath is a VERY traumatic experience. I thought a dip of a toe in the pool would be a slow introduction to water. She didn't care for that either.
Dinner with the Tharps. Anna and Ocie are destined to be long-time friends. "dance party at Ocie's house!!"
Aunt Donna and Anna's Erkel jeans - not nearly enough booty to keep these on.
Jut before bedtime, she gets ramped up into giggle mania. She climbs and crawls around like a little monkey cracking herself up. Otherwise she is pretty reserved and shy and not very generous with her smiles.
This giggly time is the calm before the storm. My girl has a tough time going to sleep and a lot of walking and rocking and crying is involved every night.
I am so impressed with the folks who have gone before me and have been able to blog regularly. Between, sporadic computer service and the amazing amount of time it requires to keep one little girl happy, healthy and safe in a 150 square-foot hotel room, I've hardly had the time. Hopefully there will be more posts coming. But if not from China, then definitely stateside.