Sunday, November 21, 2010

We're home

A final wrap-up of China.   The red couch photo was the evening before we left.  It was a hilarious disaster with 18 screaming kids.

We then began our LONG journey home.  
As we entered San Francisco, my little girl became a US citizen.  
We sang America the Beautiful to honor the occasion.

And, finally in our home which couldn't have gone better.  
Not one screech or scream from or about Leo.    

We are now slowly adjusting to life at home.  ahhhh.....


  1. Welcome home Anna, and Barb. Everyone is looking forward to meeting your new little girl. How thrilled you must be. Deni

  2. Yay for being home, hey congrats on that pic in customs!!! Wish I had whipped out my phone and took one anyway!! Yay for Leo!!

    Now get some sleep!!!

  3. WELCOME Home!!! What whirlwind - I'm tired just keeping up with you! Now, enjoy as we all have so much to be Thankful for!

  4. Welcome home to you and your beautiful girl! :)

  5. Welcome home! I love the picture of Anna and you on the red couch; you look very happy!

  6. Yes, yay for being home. I hope you both get on normal schedules soon! Can't wait to see her!
