Monday, November 8, 2010

We have the baby!!!

This is Donna posting for Barb, who is a little busy right now holding the sweetest little baby you ever did see!  Today was the shortest bus ride we've had since we got here!  Anna went right to Barb and did not cry a tear.  Now, however, she does not want to let Barb go!  She has the darkest hair and the most beautiful dark eyes....and I'll go on forever, so best I let you see for yourself!


  1. OH my!!! Congrats! Such a beautiful moment.

  2. through tears I type of my joy upon seeing this moment....finally. How beautiful you both are Barb! Congratulations Mom!

  3. Awwwww! xoxoxoxox All's I can say. Big love, Momma! xoxo

  4. THERE YOU ARE, Mother and Daughter! Tears of pure joy, seeing you together at last. My oh my oh my. My heart is singing! love love love to you all, including rock star Donna! Great Photos, Aunt Donna. Thanks for this post - please keep them coming. xxxo

  5. Yay!! Oh, Beeb, what beautiful pictures. Congratulations!!!

  6. Lovely, lovely pictures! Congratulations on your family day.

  7. So beautiful! Congratulations to you!!

  8. What a wonderful way to start the week!!! Congratulations Barb, your bean is beautiful and you look so happy.

  9. What a besutiful sight to see you holding her, at long last!! I am so happy for you - Love -- Susan J

  10. I LOVE HER!!!! I wish we could skype every day :) and all day :) Please make this week fly by...and the next one too! Leo sends his love, he has been a sleepy boy today but now he's laying on the porch in the sun, so he's happy! We miss you guys! And I can't wait to hear her again!!!!

  11. Hooray, hooray, hooray! Oh, she's just beautiful. So happy to see her in your arms.

  12. Barb, I have just caught up with your journey and have come to the most important part. Anna is beautiful, you look radiant and your life will never be the same. Much love to you.

  13. Oh this is just what I needed today!!! What a BEAUTIFUL site!! She is truly lovely and you are glowing sweet mama.

    It feels pretty good huh?? I am sure you don't want to let her go either!!! Glad she is doing okay. So, so, so happy for you. You make a great pair:)

  14. Congratulations, Barb! She is just so sweet and looks like she knows she belongs in your arms! I am so incredibly happy for you both; what a glorious day.

  15. THRILLED for you both! Happy day indeed!

  16. Lovely. Just absolutely lovely. Congratulations.

  17. Barb...I don't know if you got my post earlier...still having happy tears every time I think about you and Anna! love you!!!

  18. Congrad's Barb, look forward to meeting you and Princess Anna when I visit Bernadette and Alexandria. What joy, welcome to motherhood!!!

  19. Amazing, amazing, amazing!!! Such a remarkable gift; Two lives, changing each others destinies, and we get to peek in!

  20. Oh that Beautiful girl!! I recognize that room- that is where I met Maddie as well! those black & white cushions...all the pictures of babies on the wall...and those scared little baby eyes! Maddie was just the same- no tears, just shock- her first giggles came from propping her against my knees on my lap and playing with a water bottle- squeezing it so the water came up and she would put her mouth on it- she thought it was the FUNNIEST thing! Write down everything you can remember about that first day! A year and a half later I am telling Maddie what I remember about that day and she wants to know! I remember snippets- so just write it down now! You think you will never forget, but it's easy to forget the small details!!
    Check out the charity shop on shamien Island (A gift from China)- they have great stuff- a bit spendier but worth it because they donate to orphanages.

    can't wait to see more pics and hear more about your sweet girl!!!

  21. O.k....I am just dying for an update...keep feasting my eyes on the pics of you and Anna! Update...please:)

  22. Yea! I'm so so very happy for you Barb. What a beautiful little girl you have.
